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Home > Products > Cables, Wires > Multiple Conductor Cables
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Multiple Conductor Cables

27,712 Results

Part # Manufacturer Description Price Quantity Availability
M39025 SL002
M39025 SL002

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 4COND 24AWG SHLD 500' 196.67 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE CAT5E 8COND 24AWG 1000' 157.95 In stock
5580C SL001

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 5COND 22AWG SHLD 1000' 5072.09 In stock
5300UP 005U500

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 2COND 18AWG PVC FRPVC 205.01 In stock
Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity 55PC CABLE 12.505 In stock
5543UE 008U1000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 4PR 22AWG PP FRPVC 374.22 In stock
65825 SL005
65825 SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 25COND 18AWG SLATE 100' 648.872 In stock

Rohs Compliant

Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company CABLE 12X2.5 PLTC GY UNSH G/Y D1 23.673 In stock
5937 SL001

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 8COND 28AWG SHLD 1000' 4662.77 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 2COND 22AWG BLUE 500' 46.396 In stock
M13202 SL001

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire MULTI-PAIR 100COND 24AWG 1000' - In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE CAT5E 8COND 24AWG 2500' 728 In stock
5456C SL002

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire MULTI-PAIR 12COND 20AWG 500' 3531.28 In stock
2421C SL005
2421C SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 2COND 18AWG SHLD 100' 56.725 In stock
76714TS 0081000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 14PR 22AWG SHLD MACHFLEX 4413.5 In stock
1058A 0107500

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 12PR/20AWG 1COND/22AWG SHLD 15695.63 In stock
88442 0021000
88442 0021000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 1PR 22AWG 1233.76 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 3COND 20AWG WHITE 500' 139.315 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 2COND 18AWG RED 2000' 798 In stock
5010/15C SL002

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 15COND 22AWG SLATE 500' 2870.06 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 8COND 18AWG BLACK 2000' 1802.4 In stock
79218 SL005
79218 SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 2COND 16AWG SHLD 100' 700.26 In stock
9774MN 0041000

Rohs Compliant

Belden 6 FS PR #18 HDPO FS PVC 3667.13 In stock
8135 060100

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 5PR 28AWG SHLD 424.42 In stock
6320UL 004U1000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 2COND 18AWG FLRST 258.5 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 2COND 14AWG NATURAL 1000' 233.01 In stock
275002402 NA005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire 275002402 NATURAL 100' 136.43 In stock
5120FJ 0021000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 2COND 14AWG SHLD 420.64 In stock
45063/1 BK005
45063/1 BK005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 3 COND 18AWG BLACK 100' - In stock
77035 SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 15COND 16AWG SLATE 100' 1994.62 In stock
25066 BK005
25066 BK005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 6COND 18AWG BLACK 100' 325.606 In stock
M33574 SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 4COND 16AWG SLATE 100' - In stock

Rohs Compliant

Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company CABLE 5X0.34 PLTC OR UNSH DCS D5 2.483 In stock
M14461 BK005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 2COND 22AWG BLK SHLD 100' - In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable 10/4 SEOOW 105C YELLOW 2500'RL 24.59 In stock
5160/40C SL001

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 40COND 20AWG SHLD 1000' 24618.61 In stock
73403WS 008100

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 3COND 14AWG SHLD 262.08 In stock

Rohs Compliant

Tensility International Corporation CABLE 4COND 26AWG WHITE 1M 1.574 In stock
M64812 SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 15COND 22AWG SHLD 100' 524.594 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable 2C/18 BRD SH LOW IMP MIC SHORT 2.75 In stock
9460 060U500

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 1PR 18AWG SHLD 494.48 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable MULTI-PAIR 8COND 24AWG GRY 3281' 1487.22 In stock
M9240122 BK001

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire MULTI-PAIR 24COND 20AWG 1000' - In stock
8742 0601000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 3COND 22AWG 998.72 In stock
M4722 SL001

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 2COND 16AWG SHLD 1000' 1206.3 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 5COND 20AWG BLK SHLD 2500' 1663.08 In stock
3079T 0105000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 1PR 22AWG SHLD 10757.5 In stock
Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity 55A CABLE/SINGLE WALL 3.275 In stock

Rohs Compliant

Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company CABLE 3X0.25 PVC YE UNSH DCS D4. 1.001 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 2COND 14AWG RED 1000' 322.042 In stock
Part # Manufacturer Description Price Quantity Availability
Part # Manufacturer Description Price Quantity Availability
Total Page : 555

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