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Home > Products > Cables, Wires > Multiple Conductor Cables
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Multiple Conductor Cables

27,712 Results

Part # Manufacturer Description Price Quantity Availability

Rohs Compliant

General Cable MULTI-PAIR 2COND 18AWG RED 100' 118.352 In stock
5420/7 SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 7COND 20AWG SHLD 100' 599.26 In stock
9745 0601000

Rohs Compliant

Belden 3 #22 PR PVC PVC 1087.84 In stock
M1608 SL001

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 8COND 28AWG SHLD 1000' 1068.82 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 6COND 22AWG GRAY SHLD 500' 164.775 In stock
7442W 0601000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 24COND 14AWG 11837.75 In stock
5302FE 008U500
5302FE 008U500

Rohs Compliant

Belden CABLE 4COND 18AWG GRAY 500' 136.99 In stock
Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity MULTI-PAIR 2COND 24AWG WHT SHLD - In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable 2/0-3 TYPE W 2KV-BLK-LL RL 1.352 In stock
Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity 55PC CABLE 1.456 In stock
1048A 0107500

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 2PR 18AWG SHLD 7372.5 In stock
1211A 010500

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 4PR 26AWG SHLD 1053.76 In stock
5931 SL005
5931 SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 8COND 28AWG SHLD 100' 555.02 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 2COND 18AWG YELLOW 250' 102.934 In stock
7939A 0021000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 4 BONDED PR 24AWG CAT5E SHLD 1242.4 In stock

Rohs Compliant

Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company CABLE (4G2.5+(2X1.5)) PUR OR SH 12.818 In stock
9451P 010U1000

Rohs Compliant

Belden FSPR #22 FEP PLENUM PVC 468.96 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE CAT5E 8COND 24AWG 1000' 394.2 In stock
5508UE 008U1000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 10COND 22AWG PO FRPVC 356.76 In stock
5489/19C SL001

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire MULTI-PAIR 38COND 22AWG 1000' 12395.71 In stock

Rohs Compliant

Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity FLEXWIRE CABLE-10/ SM 0.95 In stock
9966 009500

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 2COND 22AWG SHLD 836.32 In stock
852407 BK005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire 24AWG 7C UNSHIELDED 10' 49.5 In stock
2100A 0035000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 1PR 18AWG SHLD 4713.13 In stock
77803W 010500

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 3COND 18AWG HI FLEX 569.84 In stock
6024C SL002

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire MULTI-PAIR 12COND 18AWG 500' 1727.39 In stock
1515C B59500

Rohs Compliant

Belden 20 PR #24 PO FS PVC FS PVC 4059.6 In stock
5225C SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 27COND 20AWG SLATE 100' 2568.68 In stock
45456 BK005
45456 BK005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 6 PAIR 20AWG BLACK 100' - In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 2COND 16AWG GRAY - In stock
9927 0605000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 4COND 24AWG SHLD 4723.75 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable 14/3 SJEOOW 105C BLACK SHORTS 0.988 In stock
6002UE 8771000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 4COND 12AWG FLRST 1147.2 In stock
Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity 55A CABLE/DUAL 10/ SM 1.682 In stock
Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity 55PC CABLE 0.887 In stock
5476L SL002
5476L SL002

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire MULTI-PAIR 12COND 24AWG 500' 707.96 In stock
73404WS 008100

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 4COND 14AWG SHLD 207.5 In stock
5500F1 0081000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CABLE 2 COND 22AWG SHLD 1000' 119 In stock
Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity 55/ CABLE OUTER SPACE 4.035 In stock
1721 SL002

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 10COND 20AWG SHLD 500' 3573.44 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE CAT6 8COND 23AWG YEL 1000' 592.8 In stock
77047 SL005
77047 SL005

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 2COND 26AWG SLATE 100' 130.886 In stock
10GXS12 0031000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CAT6A 4PR U/UTP CMR REEL 0.581 In stock
5500UH 0081000

Rohs Compliant

Belden CBL 2COND 22AWG PO PVC 189.2 In stock
Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity 55A CABLE/DUAL 10/ SM 2.083 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable 6C/22 7/30TC UNSH TYPE CM 369.536 In stock

Rohs Compliant

Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company CABLE 4X0.25 PUR OR UNSH DCS D4. 1.638 In stock

Rohs Compliant

General Cable CABLE 4COND 18AWG RED SHLD 50' 23.282 In stock
45174 BK001
45174 BK001

Rohs Compliant

Alpha Wire CABLE 4 COND 16AWG BLACK 1000' 6132 In stock

Rohs Compliant

Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity CABLE CAT5E 8COND 24AWG 1000' - In stock
Part # Manufacturer Description Price Quantity Availability
Part # Manufacturer Description Price Quantity Availability
Total Page : 555

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